Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Circus is in Town

Last year for us was all about the princess, just about every second party we did was princess or fairy themed. This year people have seemed to break that mould, but there are definitely a couple of recurring themes this year, the circus being a big one. Perhaps it's because Madagascar 3 came out with it's circus vibe or maybe it's just because parents remembered there's nothing better than popcorn and cotton candy, hot dogs and prizes to make a kid's party a great success. 

The big top tent is an icon of the circus and is a really convenient one when it comes to party goods. It has many uses, the first being to be a cake. It's such a quick and easy cake to make and all you need is a giant cupcake tin. You use the bottom part upside down as the base and then simply place the top of the cupcake on top as the roof. I use fondant to cover my cakes as a prefer the smooth effect, but you could use butter icing if you prefer. Once covered all you need to do is add stripes, an entrance and a flag. A helpful tip is to remember to either ice or fold your fondant under the roof as it overhangs the base and you don't want to see exposed cake underneath. The other circus inspired cake I have made was for a Madagascar circus party. That's Marty as a clown in the front there, hence the zebra stripped middle tier. 

The big top tent can also be used successfully as a centre piece. I made this one fairly easily with the centre of a material roll some paint and cardboard.We put the number 5 (the birthday girl's age) in the middle as the flag and then had her name surrounding this. 


We also further decorated the table with rolls of tickets to create the carnival feeling and a red and white stripped runner down the centre of the table to tie it all together. Each child was given a bright blue plate and a red nose as well as a party hat personalizd for the birthday girl and a glass jar elixir.

The last items added to the the table placings were red serviettes with blue forks, a fun windmill and all held together with carnival ticket serviette rings.

Sticking with making use of the big top, for another party we made the big top party packs. 

We also found these fun popcorn buckets, which really were quite cute for a circus theme.

Carnival or circus themes are so much fun for everyone and I still really look forward to being giving the opportunity to go all out on a carnival theme with ticket booths, and popcorn sellers, candy floss stalls and prize winners. A girl can but dream;)

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